After a very eventful week, we drove down to Lancaster County last Sunday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day to travel. We arrived at lunch time and enjoyed a meal at a local restaurant. Riding in the car with the air conditioning on didn't prepare us for the 90 degree humid weather that greeted us upon our arrival. WOW!!!
The weather was much better on Monday when we drove out to see the sights in and around Lancaster.
Our first stop was a market in Intercourse, Pa. - Hence the picture of Jeff and Jan outside a tee shirt shop. Aren't Americans interesting? We find a way to make money from almost everything. Of course, I wasn't to be left out...
Jim was the only one of the group who showed any class at all. I did find a birthday present for Gretchen and a wedding gift for our friend, Kyle, so you see, not all was tomfoolery.
After our picnic near the market, we went on and did manage to see some of the local Amish going about their daily chores.
This buggy was hitched outside a local harness shop. The Amish prefer not to have their pictures taken so I waited until the man went inside the shop to snap the horse and buggy. We saw lots of buggies on the roads. I was just like a little kid, I was so pleased to see them. We also saw some men harvesting corn with their beautiful work horses. What they were doing was really hard, hard work.
We drove by house after house with laundry drying on the line. Monday really is wash day for them. It made me think I should go back to hanging my wash out.
We stopped at a wonderful bakery for Whoopee Pies and coffee. Of course, we also had to buy some home baked rolls. We had some with our dinner that night. Yum! Yum!
Tuesday, found us taking the train to Philadelphia. I lived in Philadelphia for a year in my erstwhile youth and wanted to show Jim where I had lived and worked. To be honest, I wasn't sure the buildings would even be standing after 40 years, but they were. Can you believe? Jim had never ridden a train.
Not only was my apartment building still there, we had lunch in a neighborhood pub that I was too young to frequent in the old days. Jim said he thought I needed to have a glass of wine to celebrate. I really felt bad telling him it wasn't the alcohol that drew me to that place; it was supposed to be a great place to meet guys! So, he bought me a glass of wine to celebrate that I hadn't met anyone.
We trekked on down through Jeweler's Row to Independance Square and the Liberty Bell.
Jim, a social studies teacher, had never seen the bell. We watched a really informative movie about its origins and history. I'm not really sure why, but Jim ended up carrying my purse. Doesn't he look fetching?
We ended our visit on Wednesday with a delightful breakfast prepared by Jan. By 10:30 we were on our way home by way of Messiah College where we met our friend, Jodie (That is Dr. Jodie) for lunch. It was good to see her and hear about her first teaching position.
We arrived home in time to unpack and fall into bed last night. Travel is fun, but home is where the heart (and our comfy bed) is.
`hippo hugs to all~
Hi Pam,
Another delightful trip to read about and enjoy. You two really know how to have fun.
The T-shirts are funny. TeeHee.
Love the pictures When I lived in Ohio, we went to Amish country all the time. They lived around Millersburg, also known as The Little Switzerland of Ohio. We have Mennonites in the Ozarks, and although they dress like the Amish, they do drive cars and have electricity in their homes.
Nice shot of the Liberty Bell. I saw it way back in the 70s. And Jim does look fetching with your purse on his shoulder. lol.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, I almost forgot to answer you about the lunches after church. We have a brunch once a month at my church, but otherwise, we do go to a nice, home style restaurant every Sunday.
I LOVE those t-shirts....what a hoot! I feel like I'm traveling with you and love learning about new places through you :)
I'm so glad you're out and about having such a great time -- and sharing ( the t-shirts, sooooo fun)!
I SO want to go on a daytrip!!! I'm pushing for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway once I am SURE the leaves have started to change.
Love the pics!
Hi Pam!
You always have theeeee best trips!!! Loved seeing Jim with your purse over his shoulder...I would never have even noticed it, had you not mentioned it. LOL Those trips down Memory Lane are the absolute best, aren't they? Makes one wonder where the years have flyown off to!!!
Being from PA, I know there is actually a town by the name of Intercourse. Bet you'll get some great comments on that tee-shirt! I have a cute tee from Potter County. I should find it and take a pic and post it sometime. I just HAD to have it, being from Potter County, you know! I think I'll do a post on Potter County one of these days.
The Amish are really fascinating people. We could all learn so much from them...such as cutting our electric bills down to zero! Plus, I love to hang out my wash, but we aren't allowed clotheslines where I live. They are the best cooks, too!!! They live the simple life, while we live in the rat race nowdays! I'd say they are much smarter than we all are, wouldn't you? LOL
Loved this post!!! You got some great pics, too!
Have a great weekend!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
It is hard to believe Mr. Wolfanger had never seen the liberty bell. I love to read about your quick, fun adventures.
The t-shirt....well I did get a chuckle.
Hah... are you taking about the same Jodie that is my ex-neighbor Jodie? If So... For some reason I find it kind of Ironic that I lived in Mechanicsburg, PA for 8 years, and then when I finally move, great friends from my youth move in to where I was. Oh well.
2 years ago when I was racing my road bike in South Central PA, we had a lot of races in Lancaster county. It was fun to ride around and see the Amish people and their way of life. I was always amazed at how nice their gardens and yards looked. It wasn't a whole lot of fun following a buggy on your road bike though. It occasionally involved some quick maneuvering. Usually though, I could average a faster speed than the buggy, so when traffic clears a quick sprint to pass was in order.
Intercourse,PA never fails to crack me up! (so juvenile, I know!)
I love the amish, they fascinate me so! and Whoopee pies... OMG I am going to BEG my Mom to make me some!
I've been missing you this week...and now I see what fun you've been up to!!!
I LOVE the t-shirts. Those are hysterical!!!!!
I've never had a Whoppee pie. Tell me what that is!!! (But if it's a dessert with Whoppee in the title, it's got to be good!!!)
Love the pic of the Liberty Bell. Pennsylvania is on my list of top places I really want to go...since we all love history so much...and I would love to see it!
Oops, sorry..Whooppee pie. LOL
Every time we turn around you are away! Welcome back!
: )
You're trip sounded like fun. Of course, I think you guys could go to a roadside fruit stand and have a blast! LOL
Loved the pics. You always take us along with you...I'm lovin' all of my free travel!
Jim looks stunning with your purse.
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