It was a day of great accomplishment, but at dinner time when I looked at my calendar, I found that I had forgotten a dinner date with our friend, Ken. I called him, apologized and he was more than gracious. I'm still feeling guilty.
Tuesday: I had really good intentions about getting up at 6:30 to walk, but when push came to shove, I just couldn't do it. It was dark and rainy and I just wanted to stay in my bed for awhile. Seeing how my morning held my yearly mammogram appointment, maybe you can understand my reluctance to jump out of bed and get started.
The plan was to visit Florence, go to my appointment, have lunch and take in a movie, even though I knew I really shouldn't indulge myself in a movie with my busy week. Well, you know the saying about the best laid plans....Here's what really happened. When we got to Florence's, she was sound asleep. I sat with her for twenty minutes or so, but she just couldn't wake up, so I left there early....which got me to my radiology appointment early. They took me right in and....I left there early. Way too early for lunch. We went to several places. We were hungry enough for lunch, but no luck.
We decided to give up and go home, but on the way Jim said he really wanted to have soup at UNO's, so we turned around and went back, arriving just as they opened at 11:30. The soup and sandwich were yummy. Just what we needed on a rainy day. Finishing lunch earlier than we had planned, we decided to have dessert and skip the movie.
Tuesday evening was rehearsal for our VBS skit.

Wednesday: Well, Wednesdays always begin with Loser Housewife Breakfast and this week was no exception. Thursday being the last day of school, we lose Kathy for the summer so it was important that we all be together. I had a little surprise for everyone. I found these cool frames last winter in Nevada and had someone take our picture several weeks ago.
Seeing how we think we are so cute, I thought this frame was perfect for us.
The rest of the day was devoted to cleaning my house and car as we are having weekend company. Laverne and Cathy arrive tomorrow for a couple of days.
Thursday: I have been waiting excitedly for this day to arrive. It was the first day of play of the 2010 LPGA Championship. Although we have had the LPGA in Rochester for many years, this is the first time it has been a Major tournament. We spent the day at Locust Hill watching these talented and delightful women play golf.

Friday: Go back to Locust Hill and watch even more golf. While, yesterday, we spent most of the day at one spot watching the golfers tee off, today we decided to follow a specific golfer. We chose Christie Kerr, who turned out to be the leader, with a minus 10, at the end of the day. Unfortunately, my back began to give me trouble after three holes and I was forced to go back to the ninth green and find a seat. Jim, however, walked nine holes with Christie's group.

After I bake pies tomorrow morning it will be off to skit rehearsal one last time. Then my company comes and I am planning on relaxing and enjoying good food, good friends and lots of laughs until Monday when it starts all over again.
~Hippo Hugs~